Real estate is being brokered through Korth Realty And Auction Co.
R.E.S.T. Ag & Auction is providing the online and live auction services.
Simulcast Land Auction
Parcel 530162709 & 530011905
(+/- 1,106 acres)
Kimball County Nebraska
Land Auction 4-12-24

Tract #9:
Parcel ID#530162709 & 530011905
This tract offers you 2 parcels consisting of a combined total of +/-1,106 dryland acres. This farm lays gently sloped to gently rolling with a soil makeup consisting of Tassel-Blanche sandy loams, Tassel-Blanche complex, and Chappell-Bayard-Broadwater complex. It is very common to see antelope, deer and turkey in this area.
These farms are located 4 miles South of Kimball. Then from Hwy. 71, go West 3 miles and they lay on the North side of Rd. 24.
2023 Taxes = $5,606.92 or $5.07 per acre.
LEGAL: 14 14 56 N 1/2 NW 1/4; N 1/2 S 1/2 NW 1/4 14-14-56 (CARD #45).
LEGAL: 23 14 56 ALL 23-14-56 (CARD #62)